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    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Wraps Up with ICESCO’s Participation

    14 May 2024

    Today, Tuesday 14 May 2024, marked the conclusion of the International Conference on “Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: Opportunities and Challenges.” Organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Ministry Delegate in Charge of Human Rights of the Kingdom of Morocco, Ibn Tofail University, the Council of Europe, the Danish Institute for Human Rights, and the United Nations Development Program. The Conference aimed to facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices related to the vast potential of AI applications. It also sought to address and mitigate any negative impacts on individuals’ rights and freedoms.

    The opening of the Conference, held over two days at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences in Kenitra, drew a distinguished audience. Notable attendees included Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Morocco; Dr. Abdellatif Miraoui, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation of Morocco; Mr. Mohamed Larbi Kerkeb, President of Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra; Mr. Abdelkarim Boujradi, Secretary-General of the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights; and several experts from ICESCO.

    The Conference featured insightful interventions and discussions by specialists, professors, and lawyers from Morocco and several other countries, on AI and its challenges in relation to human rights, opportunities for leveraging AI to enhance these rights, and the governance of the AI-human rights relationship.

    During the working sessions, ICESCO experts reviewed the organization’s strategy in this field, highlighting its endeavors to formulate the Islamic World Charter for Artificial Intelligence. They also announced the launch of a research chair on the ethics of artificial intelligence in collaboration with the University of Technology and Applied Sciences in the Sultanate of Oman.

    Representing ICESCO at the Conference were Ms. Bahija Smidi from the Department of Legal Affairs and International Standards, Dr. Asmaa Mahdioui, member of the Young Professionals Program, Dr. Ismaila Diallo, expert in the Sector of Science and Environment, and Dr. Hassan El-Hajjami, expert in the Social and Human Sciences Sector.

    The conference garnered significant follow-up and interaction from numerous specialists and students both within and outside the Kingdom of Morocco. The live broadcasts of the Conference attracted over 21,000 viewers throughout the two-day event.

    The conference garnered significant follow-up and interaction from numerous specialists and students both within and outside the Kingdom of Morocco. The live broadcasts of the Conference attracted over 21,000 viewers throughout the two-day event.

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