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    A New Era of Cooperation between ICESCO and Islamic Development Bank Group

    3 May 2024

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Mansur Muhtar, Vice President of Operations at the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, held a meeting to discuss ways to enhance cooperation between ICESCO and the Bank. The goal of the meeting is to push the cooperation towards new horizons through the joint implementation of a number of initiatives, programs, and projects in areas of mutual interest, which will be included in a partnership agreement soon to be signed by both parties.

    Dr. AlMalik opened the meeting, held on Monday, April 29, 2024, in Riyadh, by congratulating the IsDB Group and its Chairman, Dr. Muhammad Sulaiman Al Jasser, on the success of the Bank’s golden jubilee celebration, marking 50 years since its establishment, as well as the success of the Bank’s annual meetings, hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between April 27 and 30, 2024. He praised the workshops organized during these meetings, and the distinguished speakers and participants throughout the sessions.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed the key elements of the Organization’s new vision and its strategic directions, as well as its initiatives, programs, and activities being implemented during the Meeting, which was attended by Mr. Anar Karimov, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector at ICESCO, Dr. Dinara Guliyeva, Expert at the same sector, and Mr. Salah Jelassi, Director of Partnerships, Global Advocacy, and Resource Mobilization at the IsDB Group, along with several officials from the Bank’s team.

    Moreover, the Meeting discussed proposals for practical programs and projects for cooperation between ICESCO and the Bank to meet the needs of Islamic world countries in the fields of education, science, culture, as well as social and economic development, with a focus on vulnerable groups. The discussions also touched upon preparing the new generations to adapt to the changes happening in today’s world and future-proofing their professional skills.

    For his part, Dr. Mansur Muhtar commended ICESCO for the significant roles it plays in serving the Islamic world in its areas of expertise, and for implementing programs and projects together with its international partners. IsDB Vice-President of Operations also reaffirmed his institution’s keenness to upgrade cooperation with the Organization.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed upon continued coordination, in addition to holding expert meetings to devise an action plan for joint cooperation between ICESCO and the Bank over the upcoming period. Furthermore, emphasis was placed on the importance of ICESCO’s participation in the Bank’s annual meetings, and the attendance of representatives from the Bank at conferences and activities carried out by the Organization.

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