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    Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul’ Forum at ICESCO reviews the keys to happiness on Earth and in the Hereafter

    30 March 2024

    The headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in Rabat, on Friday (March 29, 2024), hosted the fourth lecture of ‘Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul’ Forum, held by ICESCO and the Group of Spouses of Arab ambassadors and Heads of International Organizations Accredited to the Kingdom of Morocco, during which Dr. Khadija Abouzid, Professor of Higher Education at the Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Mohammed V University, in Rabat, gave a lecture entitled: ‘Journey to Finding Happiness on Earth and in the Hereafter’, in the presence of Dr. Salim M AlMalik, Director General of ICESCO, a group of ambassadors and the members of the Group of Spouses, as well as the general audience.

    In her introduction, Dr. Yusra bint Hussein Al-Jazairy, member of the Group of Spouses, stressed that Allah Almighty has bestowed happiness upon His righteous servants and doomed unrighteous people to unhappiness as He lights the path in His Holy Book to true happiness in both the worldly life and the Hereafter as Islam is the religion of happiness and peace.

    Moreover, she highlighted that there is a plethora of examples in Islam and the Islamic culture and history on the importance of happiness in individuals’ life through outward and inward righteousness, explaining that happiness is key to successful and healthy work environment to ensure productivity, creativity and innovation.

    Afterwards, Dr. Khadija Abouzid took the floor to give her lecture, in which she emphasized that seeking happiness is inherent to human nature, adding that believers are in continuous quest for happiness both on Earth and in the Hereafter. “Happiness is based on three concepts in Islam: the truth of happiness, the human being, and the worldly life. The spiritual happiness stems from Allah Almighty’s love and closeness, the mental happiness lies in acquiring knowledge, the soul’s happiness lies in contentment while the heart’s happiness in found in devotion to Allah Almighty,” she indicated.

    Dr. Abouzid added that the keys to happiness in Islam consist in faith, contentment, closeness to Allah Almighty, abidance by His commands as revealed to His Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, and achieving balance between the body, soul and worldly work.

    The lecture included interactive activities on the concept of happiness and its importance for all individuals. In Conclusion, Dr. Abouzid answered questions of the audience.

    Following the lecture, Dr. AlMalik presented Dr. Abouzid with ICESCO’s Shield, in appreciation of her great contributions during the four lectures of ‘Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul’ Forum, which delved into the depths of the human soul and simplified the paths to happiness.

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