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    ICESCO and the University of Tehran Hold Symposium and Workshop on Capacity-building in Genomics

    13 December 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the University of Tehran held a symposium and a workshop, on 10-12 December 2023, at the University’s headquarters, in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran, on capacity-building in genomics and awareness-raising about the ethical, legal and social dimensions of genomics-related research and developing job opportunities in this field.

    In his presentation, Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of Science and Technology Sector at ICESCO, reviewed the salient discoveries in human DNA, detailing the history of genomic migrations and highlighting the role of genomics in anticipating diseases and finding appropriate treatments.

    The representative of ICESCO reviewed the Organization’s efforts to support studies and encourage scientific research in universities and research centers in Muslim countries, and its establishment of a set of scientific chairs in several prestigious universities around the world.

    For his part, Dr. Hussein Mahdavi, Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology at the University of Tehran, stressed that the symposium and workshop constitute an opportunity to discuss ways and mechanisms for developing professional competencies in the field of genomics, building the capacities of specialists in the field of modern technology, and exchanging experiences between professors, researchers and specialists on the latest discoveries in genomics.

    In his presentation, Dr. Abbas Sadri, Director of ICESCO’s Regional Office in Tehran, commended the Organization’s efforts geared towards enhancing technology-related scientific research and innovation through a number of programs and projects implemented in its Member States.

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