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    ICESCO participates in the launching seminar of the Institute for Training in Literacy Professions in Morocco

    25 November 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the international seminar on the launch of the Institute for Training in Literacy Professions in the Kingdom of Morocco. The Seminar was organized by the Moroccan National Agency for the Fight against Illiteracy in partnership with the Regional Office of UNESCO in Rabat.

    The Seminar, held on Friday 24 November 2023, at the Conference Palace Rabat – Bouregreg, marked the culmination of the project to establish the Institute for Training in Literacy Professions. This Institute was developed with the support of the European Union as part of its commitment to the Moroccan strategy to combat illiteracy, in coordination and collaboration with the Ministry of National Education, Preschool, and Sports in Morocco.
    Representing ICESCO at the Seminar were Dr. Koumbou Boly Barry, Head of the Education Sector, and Mr. Aziz El-Hajir, Program Director in the same sector. Dr. Koumbou Boly Barry provided insights into ICESCO’s achievements in eradicating illiteracy, and promoting adult education and lifelong learning. She also discussed the Organization’s initiative to socially and economically empower women and girls through post-literacy programs, emphasizing its relevance to the broader challenges of comprehensive and sustainable development.

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