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    ICESCO and BSMMU launch program for technological innovations evaluation in Bangladesh

    25 November 2023

    In partnership with the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh launched a program for technological innovations evaluation to improve disease treatment with the aim to promote the health sector in the country.

    During the inaugural ceremony, held this Saturday November 25, 2023 both in person at the University’s headquarters in Dhaka and via video conference, Dr. Muhammad Atiqul Haque, Head of the Division of Public Health and Informatics, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University, stressed the importance of the program, which aims to address the challenges to capitalizing on technological applications in treating diseases. He stated that it also seeks to assess the benefits and risks of adopting and integrating technological innovations in medicine and develop an action plan to define the medical infrastructure in Bangladesh and train medical personnel, noting that this program marks the start of a fruitful cooperation with ICESCO in the fields of science, technology and scientific research.

    Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of ICESCO’s Science and Technology Sector, virtually attended the launch ceremony, which was attended by University officials and professors, as well as experts in the field of health.

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University was established in 1999 and has trained numerous medical executives from Bangladesh and neighboring countries. The University is also highly regarded in South Asia and offers courses to many foreign students.

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