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    The 2023 Philosophical Encounters Forum Concludes its Proceedings

    14 November 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in organizing the 2023 edition of the “Philosophical Encounters” forum, held by the French Institute in the Kingdom of Morocco, in cooperation with a number of Moroccan and French institutions and universities, with the aim of exploring the space of freedom granted to human, reflecting on the present and future and the responsibility to continue writing the future in all possible forms.

    The ” Philosophical Encounters” forum, which was held in several Moroccan cities between 7-11 November 2023 with the rallying call, “Writing the Future,” in the presence of 30 philosophers and a host of academics and university students from Morocco, France and elsewhere, was an opportunity to exchange ideas and nurture critical thinking and open mindset in the Afro-Mediterranean space.
    For his part, Dr. Kais Hammami, Head of the Strategic Foresight Centre, represented ICESCO at the Forum and reviewed the Organization’s efforts in spreading the culture of foresight, highlighting the significant contribution of these initiatives to the future understanding of societal issues.

    He further underlined the growing role of foresight in the present global context and called to proactively seek to shape the course of future events.

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