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    Signing of Cooperation agreement between ICESCO and UNESCO Regional Center for Quality and Excellence in Education

    9 November 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the UNESCO Regional Center for Quality and Excellence in Education signed a cooperation agreement to exchange technical expertise and knowledge in the preparation and implementation of research and programs related to quality, excellence and innovation in education, the development of educational policies, and the joint organization and implementation of a number of regional projects and activities in this field.

    The agreement was signed on Wednesday (8 November 2023) in the French capital, Paris, by Dr. Salim Al-Malik, ICESCO Director-General, and Dr. Abdulrahman Almedaires, Director-General of the UNESCO Regional Center for Quality and Excellence in Education, in the presence of Mr. Yousef Bin Abdullah Al-Benyan, Minister of Education of the Kingdom Saudi Arabia, in conjunction with their participation in the 42nd session of UNESCO General Conference of, held from 7 to 22 November 2023.

    Dr. Al-Malik expressed his happiness with signing of the agreement, noting that this agreement will strengthen partnership between ICESCO and the Centre, thus positively impacting the quality of education in Member States. For his part, Dr. Al- Almedaires stressed that the signing of the agreement is part of the Centre’s keenness to develop cooperation with ICESCO in areas of common interest. The agreement, which will cover a period of five years, stipulates the implementation of several joint projects between the two sides, including: the Arab model project for quality and excellence in education, and the educational leadership training project, in addition to holding regional workshops to support the quality and excellence of educational systems in Arab countries and the Islamic world.

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