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    ICESCO Holds workshop exploring education on the values of peace and respect for human rights in Burkina Faso

    8 November 2023

    The education sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Burkinabe National Commission for UNESCO, is organizing a workshop on education on the values of peace and respect of human rights in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso for the benefit of bilingual schools’ teachers (French-Arabic), as well as several guidance counselors and educational inspectors.

    Inaugurated on Monday 6 November 2023, this four-day workshop aims to highlight the critical importance of integrating the values of peace and respect for human rights within the educational system, as well as building the capacities of educators in the mechanisms and methods of integrating the knowledge, values, and skills related to education on global citizenship into educational curricula, and enhancing the role of educational institutions in this field.

    During the opening of the workshop, a number of officials lauded ICESCO’s pivotal role in strengthening the educational process, praising its efforts in supporting its Member States, including the Republic of Burkina Faso. Moreover, Dr. Alain Tiga Ouedraogo, representative of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation, as well as Dr. Bazyomo Germain, Burkinabe National Commission for UNESCO representative, both expressed the significance that the organization of the workshop bears, hoping that it succeeds in achieving its objectives of entrenching the concept of moderation in educational curricula and exchange of expertise among participants.

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