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    ICESCO participates in implementation launch of unified Arabic language reference framework

    2 November 2023

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the launch of the implementation phase of the project to establish a unified reference framework for the Arabic language in education, learning, and assessment. This project was announced at the conclusion of the high-level meeting held at the headquarters of the Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) in Tunis.

    The event was attended by Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Secretary-General of ALECSO, and Dr. Mohammad Alsaati, Director of Projects at the Islamic Development Bank, along with several officials from Arab and international institutions, and representatives from Arabic language academies in several Arab and Islamic countries.
    During the two-day meeting, which concluded on 31 October 2023, ICESCO was represented by Dr. Anas Hussam Saeed Al-Nuaimi, expert at the Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers. In his remark, he underscored ICESCO’s commitment to participating in this project dedicated to creating a comprehensive educational reference framework for the Arabic language, with accreditation authority and enforcement power within Arab, Islamic, and international communities, akin to other languages.

    At the closing session of the meeting, ALECSO presented a commemorative trophy to ICESCO’s representative as a token of appreciation for the Organization’s invaluable contributions to this important project and for its dedicated efforts in advancing the Arabic language on a global scale.

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