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    ICESCO Deputy Director General participates in the Prophet’s Madih Festival in Istanbul

    8 October 2023

      Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, Deputy Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), participated in the second edition of the Prophet’s Madih Festival, organized by the International Society of Arab Poets in Istanbul from 6-9 October 2023, under the theme “The Spring of the Universe Has Been Born ... We emulate his conduct.”

    This edition of the festival witnessed a large turnout and participation of a number of prominent poets. The program of the festival featured evenings of poetry presentations and similar presentations for children and youth, and artistic performances of prophetic Madih. During this event, Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, guest of honor of the festival, was honored.

    On the second day of the festival, ICESCO Deputy Director-General delivered a Madih poem at the opening of the festival, and a lecture entitled “Prophetic Madih in the Great Diwan of Ibn al-Arabi.”

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