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    On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, ICESCO calls for harnessing youth capacities to strengthen peace and build a thriving future

    20 September 2023

    On September 21st of every year, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace. This year’s theme is “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition to the Global Goals.” The Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) seizes this occasion to call for joining efforts and leveraging the unique capacities of youth and women to contribute to countering extremist ideas, reducing violence and conflicts, and promoting peace as a primary tool for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

    In light of the successive global crises, causing significant damage at the health, social, and humanitarian levels and contributing to a decline in global peace indicators, ICESCO calls on everyone to assume individual and collective responsibility in promoting values of coexistence, civilizational dialogue, and harnessing cultural diversity to strengthen peace. It also encourages optimism and calls for promoting a culture of peace among all segments of society, improving the quality of psychological support as an important tool for achieving social cohesion and enhancing resilience in the face of challenges.

    In this context, the Organization highlights the relentless efforts and innovative initiatives implemented by ICESCO Youth Ambassadors for Peace, who have graduated from ICESCO’s Leadership Training Program for Peace and Security, coming from 50 countries in the Islamic world and beyond, where they actively contribute to building more peaceful communities.

    Moreover, ICESCO reaffirms its commitment to continue the efforts geared towards promoting peace and civilizational dialogue and provide all the necessary means to contribute to building a prosperous future for humanity, in close coordination with the relevant authorities in the Member States, the international bodies and organizations, and partner institutions.

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