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    ICESCO Launches second humanitarian caravan to assist earthquake victims in Morocco

    15 September 2023

    The second humanitarian caravan, launched by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) from its headquarters in Rabat, Morocco, towards the earthquake-affected regions in Taroudant province, Morocco, reached its destination today, Friday 15 September 2023, to provide relief materials to the earthquake victims there.

    ICESCO’s second humanitarian caravan carries essential food items, lighting equipment, tents, children’s clothing, blankets, mattresses, as well as medical supplies. This effort is organized in partnership between the Organization and the Islamic Center for Trade Development.

    The relief materials shipped through four trucks, were handed over to the Mohammed VI Foundation for Solidarity. The leading humanitarian and relief organization, in cooperation and coordination with local authorities, will distribute these aids to the remote villages severely hit by the earthquake, which are difficult to reach.

    ICESCO General Directorate emphasizes that organizing humanitarian caravans is part of the Organization’s humanitarian solidarity efforts aimed at supporting the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco and intervention teams present in the earthquake-affected areas. It also underscores the values of solidarity and cooperation advocated by the Organization to alleviate the impact of the earthquake on the neediest of the affected groups.

    The Islamic Center for Trade Development points out that this initiative carried out in partnership with ICESCO, reflects the Center’s solidarity dimension in its efforts to achieve social and economic development for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Member States.

    ICESCO General Directorate had previously taken several urgent decisions to affirm the Organization’s and all of its employees’ solidarity with the Kingdom of Morocco and those affected by the disaster. It launched its first relief caravan on Sunday 10 September 2023 towards the affected areas in Haouz province, providing humanitarian assistance to the affected population in 12 remote villages along a 70 km stretch in the Amghras commune.

    This caravan was organized and supervised by a number of the Organization’s employees who volunteered in response to the call by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, to volunteer, provide assistance, and head to the disaster-stricken areas to lend a helping hand to earthquake victims.

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