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    ICESCO Stands in Solidarity with victims of Al Haouz earthquake and offers financial and in-kind aids

    11 September 2023

    The General Directorate of ICESCO made a set of decisions to reaffirm, along with its employees, its solidarity with the victims of the devastating earthquake in Al Haouz. ICESCO Director-General, executives and employees will donate 10% of their monthly salary, to be deposited in a special bank account at Bank Al Maghrib, following the instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, to receive the voluntary solidarity contributions.

    ICESCO mobilized on Sunday 10 September 2023 in-kind aid including tents, blankets and essential foodstuffs to the regions most affected by the quake. In response to the call of the Director-General, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, the initiative was organized by ICESCO employees, accompanied by doctors, who volunteered to provide on-site assistance in disaster areas to the affected people. ICESCO will also organize a blood donation campaign to save the lives of the wounded.

    The General Directorate reaffirms these aids are part of ICESCO’s endeavours to stand in solidarity with the Kingdom of Morocco in the face of the earthquake, and that further measures would be taken in the following days.

    Following the Al Haouz earthquake, ICESCO issued a formal statement to offer its condolences to the King, government and people of the Kingdom as well as the families of victims who lost their lives. It also expressed its full readiness to cooperate with Moroccan competent authorities in the face of damage caused by the earthquake, especially in its areas of expertise; the restoration and conservation of historic monuments that were affected in some cities.

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