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    ICESCO launches its program to integrate educational technologies into the Arabic education system in Nigeria

    17 August 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) launched its model program for the integration of educational technologies into the Arabic education system in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in collaboration with the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance. This aims to provide ICESCO’s training hub for Arabic language excellence in Nigeria with the latest technological resources.

    At the launch ceremony, held on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at the Nigeria Arabic Language Village University Centre, Ngala, Borno State, ICESCO and Al Maktoum Foundation provided the training hub with computer and communications technology equipment to develop national Arabic education programs, modernize Arabic language teaching materials, and train Arabic language teachers in Nigeria.

    In his address at the ceremony, Dr. Bakar Boukarbih, representative of the Nigerian Ministry of Federal Education, praised the considerable support provided by ICESCO and the Foundation to Arabic education in Nigeria through the programs of the aforementioned training center. For his part, Dr. Ibrahim Muhammad, Executive Director of Nigeria Arabic Language Village, Ngala, expressed his gratitude to ICESCO and the Foundation for their innovative initiative in providing these facilities for the integration of educational technologies into the Arabic education system.

    For his part, Dr. Omar Yunus, representative of ICESCO’s National Commission, outlined the Organization’s efforts to support Arabic language teaching in non-Arabic-speaking countries, notably through the presentation of ICESCO’s poles of excellence, its university chairs and the “Mishkat” program.

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