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    ICESCO Launches a Programme to Plant 500,000 Trees in Togo

    9 August 2023

    On Monday (7 August 2023), the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) launched a programme aiming to plant 500,000 trees in the Togolese Republic, in partnership with the Togolese National Commission for ICESCO, as part of the activities aiming at supporting the Togo 2023 reforestation campaign.

    The launch of the four-day programme witnessed mobilizing and training of the local population for planting gum trees and various other species. Additionally, the local population has also benefited from awareness-raising activities on the importance of environmental protection and reforestation of desertification-affected areas, the governance of natural resource exploitation, the rehabilitation of degraded land, the promotion of agricultural best practices to contribute to providing sustainable income and achieving development in Tsévié, sokodé and Kpalimé in Togo.

    An area of 55 hectares has been covered over the two first days, with plans to continue the reforestation efforts until it covers 100 hectares.
    During the launch, attended by Mr. Alf Ousino Karamo, the Secretary-General of the Togolese National Commission, Dr. Ismaïla Diallo, expert at ICESCO Science and Technology Sector, reviewed the best tree-planting practices as well as the strategies and mechanisms for combatting desertification and enhancing the resilience of the ecosystem to preserve biodiversity, which is one of the strategic priorities defined by the Organisation to serve its Member States.

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