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    Successful CanSat launch at the end of ICESCO’s 3rd workshop in Türkiye

    5 August 2023

    The 3rd training workshop on the design of an educational satellite (CanSat) held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with Istanbul Technical University in Türkiye, concluded with the successful launch of the satellite from Aksaray.

    The workshop, organized from July 31 to August 4, 2023, for 40 researchers and students from 27 ICESCO Member States, in the presence of an elite group of officials, astronauts and high-level international space science experts, included a theoretical framework to present the CanSat and the technologies used in its design, as well as practical work explaining the use of the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope sensor, in addition to data collection and analysis, and the development and testing of landing systems.
    This successful experiment was followed by a closing ceremony held at Aksaray rocket launch range, during which Dr. Muhammed Sharif, Advisor in science and technology sector at ICESCO, underlined the Organization’s commitment to supporting the capacities of young people in Muslim countries. Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of the Sector attended the ceremony.

    For his part, Dr. Alim Rüstem Aslan, Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Istanbul Technical University, and supervisor of the workshop reaffirmed the importance of strengthening partnerships between organizations, universities and research centers to develop innovation, technology and space science.

    At the end of the ceremony, the participants received certificates of achievement and expressed their thanks to ICESCO and the University for their support of young people’s skills in space technology. Tribute was also paid to the experts and managers behind the success of this 3rd edition of the workshop.

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