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    ICESCO hosts closing ceremony of 15th International Peace Children Festival

    30 July 2023

    On Saturday July 29, 2023, the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat hosted the closing ceremony of the 15th session of the International Festival for Children of Peace, organized by the Bouregreg Association in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in the Kingdom of Morocco and a number of national institutions, under the honorary presidency of HRH Princess Lalla Meryem. The closing ceremony saw the participation of more than 400 children from 26 countries, with the aim of establishing a culture of peace and coexistence among the children of the world.

    The closing ceremony saw high-level attendance, including Dr. Rana Tanweer Hussain, Minister of Education and Vocational Training of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a number of ambassadors accredited to Morocco, and a host of representatives of international organizations in the Kingdom of Morocco and institutions participating in organizing the Festival.

    In his welcoming address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), called for according due attention to children, as they are our greatest hope for the future. He also called on parents to urge their children to seek knowledge, and live by the noble Islamic values of honesty, righteousness, generosity, and compassion for the poor and the needy.

    Dr. AlMalik pointed out that the best way to celebrate peace is to harness the power of children to enhance our humanity, as their pure souls and gentle hearts manifest the highest expressions of human fraternity.

    He stressed that ICESCO seeks to anchor the values of peace, social cohesion, civilizational dialogue and creativity to build peaceful societies and a safe and secure environment, where children are protected and guaranteed a prosperous future.

    Afterwards, ICESCO DG received the shield of the Bouregreg Association from Mr. Abderrahmane Rouijel, Director of the Children of Peace Festival, in appreciation of his contribution to spreading the culture of peace. He also exchanged gifts and souvenirs with representatives of the delegations participating in the ceremony, with the participation of the Pakistani Minister of Education and the ambassadors present.

    The ceremony kicked off with a musical performance by the Children of Afnan al-Qanun Group from the city of Salé. The Group played several pieces of Arab musical heritage. The next performance was by the child, Lina Amour, who delivered the “Peace Call”, which highlights the importance of culture and sports in uniting hearts and strengthening fraternity among countries.

    The peace call also highlighted the importance of anchoring diversity and the pursuit of peace, promoting civilizational dialogue and rejecting hatred; sheds lights on the potential and opportunities modern technology applications offer vis-à-vis fostering understanding and bridging gaps among peoples; and stresses the need to ensure the use of artificial intelligence applications in an ethical and responsible manner.

    Following that, the art show began, in which children from the delegations of the participating countries presented performances from the artistic, lyrical and musical heritage of their respective countries.

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