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    ICESCO & Nouakchott University hold a training session on manufacturing renewable energy equipment

    26 July 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a training session on manufacturing light renewable energy equipment and the development of innovation, in partnership with the Faculty of Science and Technology of Nouakchott University, and in cooperation with the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science. The aim is to promote innovation and build students’ capacities to find solutions for harnessing renewable energies through industry.

    The two-day training session, which is part of the celebration of Nouakchott, Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2023, held at Nouakchott University, concluded on Wednesday July 26, 2023.

    At the outset of the training, Mr. Mohamed Ould Sidi Abdallah, Secretary-General of the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, stressed the importance of innovation for developing industries and serving humanity, commending ICESCO’s ongoing support for the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

    For his part, Mr. Mohamed Fadel Deida, Vice-President of Nouakchott University, highlighted the means and mechanisms for developing light equipment industries for renewable energies in Mauritania, as a means of contributing to the achievement of sustainable development.

    In addition, Dr. Foued El Ayni, Programs Manager at Science and Technology Sector, represented ICESCO, and reviewed the Organization’s efforts to support its Member States in the development of green industries and the use of renewable energies to preserve the environment.

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