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    ICESCO holds workshop in Libya on new trends in educational planning

    10 July 2023

    In cooperation with the University of Benghazi and the Libyan National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is holding in Benghazi, Libya, a workshop on new trends in educational planning. The Workshop kicked off on Monday, July 10, 2023, under the patronage of Dr. Moussa Mohamed Magariaf, President of University of Benghazi, Minister of Education.

    This four-day workshop saw the participation of several education planning experts, officials in charge of planning divisions at the Ministries of Education, Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Vocational and Technical Education, and several representatives of the relevant bodies in the State of Libya. The workshop aims to build the participants’ capacities and provide them with advanced skills in the field of educational planning. It also aims to shed light on modern educational planning methodologies, processes, methods and techniques, and promote a culture of educational planning to contribute to the development of educational systems.

    Dr. Ahmed El Zonfoli, Director of Programs at the Education Sector, took part in the opening of the workshop and highlighted its significance as it effectively contributes to the desired educational development, expressing his wishes for its success in achieving its objectives to develop experts’ capacities in educational planning.

    The workshop addresses the stages, measures, methods and mechanisms of application of educational planning, as well as new trends relevant to its methods and procedures, and ways to capitalize on them to improve the development of education systems and ensure their quality. It also seeks to promote the use of strategic planning in education and highlight the criteria for ensuring the success of the education planning process, especially in times of crisis.

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