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    Launch of First Edition of ICESCO Biowaste Food Award

    5 July 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is pleased to announce the launch of the first edition of its Bio-Waste Food Award, which aims to support entrepreneurs and startups in developing innovative technologies to extract protein, fat and carbohydrates from wasted food.

    The Award seeks to encourage the youth and women in the Islamic world to develop innovative solutions to optimize benefits from wasted food by developing innovative solutions to contribute to achieving food security, and support specialists and entrepreneurs in the green economy to develop innovative technologies in the field of food security. The Award will be awarded to three winners who will receive 30,000 US dollars, 15,000 US dollars, and 5,000 US dollars, respectively.

    The jury will select five participating projects in the first stage of the evaluation process. The five project owners will then be invited to pitch them in person to the jury in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed technology and select three winners who presented the most innovative and environmentally friendly projects that contribute to the development and job creation.
    Persons interested in participating in this contest must fill in the award form available on ICESCO’s website via the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/fpyredi2dX, and send their nomination files, no later than August 31, 2023, to the e-mail: sciences@icesco.org. the nomination file should include:

    • Contest application letter;
    • CV of the participant, or of all members of the project team, in case of startups;
    • A summary of the project (five pages maximum), explaining the idea and the technique of extracting the components of food bars;
    • Physical samples of the finished products after the pre-selection phase are to be sent to the address to be determined later.

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