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    ICESCO holds training session on modernizing means of Arabic-Islamic education in Gambia

    22 June 2023

    The Education Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is holding a training session on modernizing pedagogical methods and means of using ICTs in Arabic-Islamic education, in cooperation with the Gambian National Commission for UNESCO and ICESCO, for the benefit of thirty educational staff in Banjul.

    The four-day training, which kicked off on Tuesday (June 20, 2023), aims to qualify the staff working in the field of Arabic-Islamic education, provide them with advanced skills, strengthen the role of relevant institutions in education for peace, coexistence and social cohesion, and exchange expertise and experiences on modernizing pedagogical methods and means of Arabic-Islamic education.
    During the opening session, the participants commended the key roles that ICESCO plays to support its Member States in developing educational systems and keeping up with modern developments, including the Republic of the Gambia. During his intervention, Dr. Youssef Abou Daka, Programs Manager at ICESCO Education Sector, touched upon the importance of this training, hoping that it would achieve its objectives in strengthening the roles of Arabic and Islamic education institutions to continue their mission as a beacon of cultural and civilizational outreach for the Islamic world.

    The workshop’s themes feature the reality of Arabic-Islamic education in the Republic of the Gambia and the prospects for using ICTs and presenting the best integrated educational practices of ICTs in education and training, as well as sharing the experiences of the participants to develop a common vision on mechanisms for modernizing relevant educational methods and means.

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