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    ICESCO holds workshop in Cairo to promote SDG4

    19 June 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) holds a workshop on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 4, in cooperation with the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, for the benefit of 25 members of the Egyptian National Commission and representatives of the concerned parties to develop their capacities, providing the participants with advanced skills, and training them to identify and overcome challenges.

    The opening session of the four-day workshop, which kicked off on Monday (June 19, 2023), in Cairo, saw the presence of Dr. Mohamed Samir Hamza, Head of the Cultural Affairs and Scholarships Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Supervisor of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, who praised ICESCO’s role in developing educational systems and its support for Member States.

    Dr. Ahmed El-Zonfoli, Programs Manager at the Education Sector, represented ICESCO in the workshop. He stressed the importance of the workshop, hoping that it would achieve its objectives and reviewed the efforts made by ICESCO to support its Member States in developing educational systems and facing the relevant challenges.

    The workshop sessions focus on enhancing the competencies of the officials in charge of achieving the SDG4 and reviewing the purposes, indicators mechanisms and methodologies for achieving SDG4, identifying challenges, and exchanging experiences and expertise, as well as presenting future visions.

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