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    ICESCO and Dustin-ma Federal University hold international symposium on smart agriculture in Nigeria

    17 June 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Federal University of Dustnima held an international symposium on agriculture and its role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The symposium took place on Friday, June 15, 2023, at the University’s headquarters in Katsina, Federal Republic of Nigeria, and focused on the challenges and opportunities for benefiting from modern technologies and best practices in smart farming and launching a pilot project for smart farms in Nigeria.

    ICESCO was represented at the symposium by Dr. Adel Smeda, expert in the Science and Technology Sector, who gave an address highlighting the Organization’s efforts to build the capacity of its Member States to use smart agriculture applications to contribute to food security and sustainable development. The ICESCO representative also underlined the importance of exchanging experiences on methods to increase agricultural productivity, improve farmers’ living conditions, adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    The symposium, attended by several researchers, academics, managers and experts in the field of agriculture, saw the launch of a pilot smart farm project hosted by the University. This project will be mainstreamed and implemented in several ICESCO Member States, in coordination with National Commissions for Education, Science, and Culture, and in cooperation with the relevant authorities in each country.

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