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    New Visiting Hours for Exhibition and Museum of Prophet’s Seerah at ICESCO Headquarters after Eid al-Fitr Holiday

    14 April 2023

    The International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, which is hosted by the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), will return to the visiting hours that were followed before the blessed month of Ramadan, after a week-long holiday on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr starting from Monday, April 17. It will open its doors to the public again as of Tuesday, April 25, 2023.

    After this holiday, visiting hours for the Exhibition and Museum will start from 10:00 am and finish at 6:00 pm Rabat time, from Tuesday to Sunday.

    The International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization at ICESCO Headquarters is witnessing an increasing interest from all age groups from different Moroccan cities and residents and guests of the Kingdom, as the number of its visitors has now exceeded one million and 200 thousand visitors since its opening to the general public on November 28, 2022, which is the first of its kind outside its headquarters in Medina, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ICESCO’s headquarters hosting the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization is the fruit of the strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League (MWL) and Morocco’s Mohammadia League of Scholars, Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him.

    The International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization seek to showcase the message of Islam and its values of justice, peace, mercy, tolerance, coexistence and moderation from the Holy Quran, Prophet’s Sunnah (PBUH) and the bright Islamic history through using the latest technologies and artificial intelligence.

    The Exhibition and the Museum receive visitors for free by booking tickets for individuals via the link: http://tickets.ma.salamfairs.com.sa/. For booking a group visit, please contact the customer service representative on the phone number:  00212761222222.

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