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    ICESCO Director-General attends ceremony honoring Allamah Dr. Mohamed El Mokhtar Ould Bah in Rabat

    14 April 2023

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), attended a ceremony honoring the late scholar, Dr. Mohamed El Mokhtar Ould Bah, held by the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Islamic Affairs, in cooperation with Morocco’s Dar El Hadith El Hassania Institute on April 13, 2023, at the Institute’s headquarters in Rabat. Themed “Dr. Mohamed El Mokhtar Ould Bah: Sheikh of Sciences and Role Model for Generations,” the ceremony saw the participation of high-level officials and prominent personalities in thought and culture.

    The event began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by an opening session where Dr. Ahmed El Khamlichi, Director of the Dar El Hadith El Hassania Institute, emphasized that Dr. Mohamed El Mokhtar left an indelible mark on the minds of professors, employees and students at the Institute, noting that the late scholar dedicated his life to serving his faith by writing, modernizing, and serving his country.

    Dr. Ahmed Said, son of the late Rector of the Modern University of Chinguetti, Advisor to ICESCO DG for Partnerships and International Cooperation, delivered an address titled “A Journey’s Destination and a Life’s Orientation,” where he thanked the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Islamic Affairs and Minister Dr. Ahmed Toufiq, as well as Dar El Hadith El Hassania Institute and its Director Dr. El Khamlichi, for organizing the ceremony in honor of the late scholar who passed on January 22, 2023. He then reviewed the most significant stages of Dr. Mohamed El Mokhtar’s life journey.

    Dr. Chbihna Hamdati Maa El Aïnine who was formerly assigned a mission in the Moroccan Royal Court, presented his testimony about the late scholar in his intervention entitled “Sheikh Mohamed El Mokhtar as I knew him.” He highlighted that Dr. Mohamed El Mokhtar had remarkable contributions in every work he took on and every responsibility he assumed. The scientific session followed, which included a reading of the late scholar’s books “Fi Khulassat Al-Adillah Min Kitabay Al-Tajrid Wa’Khtissaru Al-Tamhid” and “Fi Mawkib Al Sirah Al Nabawiyah.”

    The ceremony ended with the presentation of a shield of honor to the representative of the late scholar’s family, followed by prayers for mercy and forgiveness for him.

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