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    ICESCO Director-General offers condolences to Türkiye following the devastating earthquake

    14 February 2023

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and a delegation of the Organization’s officials, paid a visit to the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Rabat, on Monday, 13 February 2023, to offer condolences following the devastating earthquake that claimed thousands of lives and injuries in Türkiye.

    Ambassador Omer Faruk Dogan, Turkish Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco, conveyed his thanks and gratitude to ICESCO DG and his accompanying delegation for the visit, noting that the massive earthquake which struck an area of over 700,000 square kilometers had grievous consequences and affected more than five (5) million Turkish citizens.

    Dr. AlMalik, for his part, and on behalf of all ICESCO staff, extended his sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and the Turkish government and people, stressing that the Organization stands ready to provide all the needed support and assistance in its areas of competence.

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