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    Announcement of winners of ICESCO-Hamdan Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities and Call for Nominations for Fourth Edition

    29 December 2022

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum for Distinguished Academic Performance are pleased to announce the three winners of the Third Edition of ICESCO-Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities in the Islamic World, who have submitted outstanding educational projects in the Islamic world.

    The Prize was launched by the Organization and the Foundation to encourage outstanding, sustainable and integrated educational projects, and pay tribute to figures and institutions in charge of voluntary and charity initiatives in the field of education. The Prize is awarded biennially to three winners, who each get the Prize shield and a monetary reward, which is to be used to support and develop the winning project or educational work in general.

    This edition saw the participation of 40 nominees who submitted educational projects that aim at promoting education performance, upgrading educational services, and improving the necessary infrastructure. The three winners were: the King Faisal Foundation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; the Royal Humanitarian Foundation in the Kingdom of Bahrain; and the Family Educational Services Foundation in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

    The winners have submitted model and leading projects and quality field achievements that included the establishment of universities, educational complexes and centers and the creation of technical and professional training programs inside their respective countries as well as in the Arab, Asian and African regions.

    The Prize will be awarded to the winners shortly, in coordination between ICESCO and the Foundation. The first and second editions of the Prize were awarded during the 14th Session of the ICESCO General Conference, held in Cairo, in December 2021.

    ICESCO and Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation also announced the call for nomination for the 4th Edition of the Prize, following the criteria to be shared on the website: www.ha.ae

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