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    ICESCO and UAE National Commission signed an MoU on the inscription of African traditional games on the Heritage Lists

    26 November 2022

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the UAE National Commission for Education, Culture and Science on a project to inscribe traditional African games on ICESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage and World Heritage Lists.

    The MoU was signed virtually on Friday 25 November 2022 by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General, and Mr. Mubarak Al-Nakhi, Undersecretary of the UAE Ministry of Culture and Youth, Vice -Chairman of the UAE National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.

    At the end of the signing ceremony, Dr. Benarafa welcomed the efforts of the United Arab Emirates to support the Organization’s Member States, particularly African countries, in the fields of education and culture, mentioning in this regard the support provided for the inscription of the endangered heritage in these countries. He also praised the remarkable partnership between ICESCO and the UAE National Commission.

    For his part, Mr. Al Nakhi welcomed the cooperation with ICESCO in preserving the tangible and intangible heritage of the UAE, stressing that heritage is the legacy that is passed on between generations and the receptacle that preserves their identity and specificities. He also affirmed his country’s willingness to support various initiatives aimed at strengthening the attachment of people to their cultural identity.

    It is worth noting that this MoU aims to support African countries in the inscription of traditional games on the Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists of ICESCO and UNESCO, as well as to create a committee in charge of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of this project.

    The signing ceremony was attended by Ms. Amira El Fadil, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Mr. Omar Hamed, expert in the same sector, Mr. Salim Al Habsi, Director of Programmes at the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, and Mr. Mohamed Al Ansary from the Culture and Communication Sector.

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