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    Discussing Launch of ICESCO program to Improve Water and Sanitation Services in Rural Schools in Cameroon

    8 September 2022

    The Science and Technology Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a meeting with the Cameroon National Commission for UNESCO and ICESCO, to discuss ways and mechanisms for implementing a program designed to enhance water, sanitation and hygiene services in several rural schools, and develop a plan for the implementation of some relevant projects in the Republic of Cameroon as part of the program that targets 1,000 rural schools in a number of countries in the Islamic world.

    During the meeting, which was held today, Wednesday (September 7, 2022) via videoconference technology, Dr. Muhammad Sharif, advisor at ICESCO Science and Technology Sector, highlighted the organization’s efforts to contribute to building future generations through many programs in the fields of education, technology, and the environment. Dr. Foued El-Ayni, an expert in the same Sector, also reviewed the objectives and the major thrusts of the program, such as providing safe drinking water in rural schools, and raising awareness of best practices to maintain the health of students and teachers by organizing training sessions.

    On his part, Mr. Abdelaziz Yaoba, Secretary-General of the Cameroon National Commission for UNESCO and ICESCO, thanked ICESCO for its interest in improving the educational conditions of students in rural areas through developing facilities, promoting hygienic culture and behavior, and improving educational opportunities for girls.

    At the end of the meeting, the two sides agreed to define the terms of the program to include 30 rural schools.

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