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    ICESCO Participates in Institutional Meeting to Present ESI’s Reform in Rabat

    23 June 2022

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the institutional meeting to present the reform of the Information Sciences School (ESI), held on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, at the School in Rabat, to introduce the new thrusts related to engineering database and information systems. The school has carried out several reforms similar to other international schools with the same orientation.

    Affiliated with the Higher Planning Commission in the Kingdom of Morocco, ESI is the only institution for training engineers in information sciences, especially knowledge engineering, data science, digital information engineering, information systems, digital transformation engineering, documentation engineering and competitive and strategic intelligence. The School is specialized in training and scientific research with the aim of not only contributing to the promotion of information and knowledge in Morocco but also supporting the Higher Planning Commission in its major national projects, especially those related to digital transformation and enhancing Morocco’s competitiveness by providing the Moroccan labor market with highly qualified graduates in this field.

    Mr. Aziz El-Hajir, Director of Programs in the Education Sector, represented ICESCO at the Meeting.

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