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    ICESCO Participates in Symposium on Development of Women in Islamic World in Tetouan

    15 June 2022

    The Social and Human Sciences Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in a workshop on the development of women in the Islamic world, as part of the scientific sessions held during the celebration of “Tetouan, the Capital of the Moroccan Civil Society for the Year 2022,” organized under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God assists him, by the “International Civil Society Organization for the values of Citizenship, Development and Dialogue,” in cooperation with the “Tataouin Asmir Association for Cultural, Social, Economic and Sports Development,” in the city of Tetouan.

    Ms. Safa Zebakh, expert at the Human and Social Sciences Sector, who represented ICESCO in the symposium, presented the Organization’s experience in enhancing the role of women as a key factor in achieving sustainable development and stressed the need to integrate them into the multiple dimensions of the decision-making process in the fields of education, health, economic empowerment and protection from violence and negative repercussions of crises. She also highlighted ICESCO’s efforts to promote good experiences in the field of illiteracy and informal education for the benefit of civil society organizations in the Member States.

    She mentioned the Organization’s initiatives during the Covid 19 pandemic, which contributed to mitigating its negative effects and sustaining the economic empowerment of women and girls by encouraging the production of sanitizers and prevention materials as a project for sustaining income and training girls to do so.

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