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    Organization of Annual Scientific and Educational Fair at ICESCO headquarters

    12 June 2022

    The Headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat hosted today, Saturday, June 11, 2022, the activities of the Annual Scientific and Educational Fair that the Scientific Junior High School in Agdal organized in cooperation with ICESCO. The Fair aims at nurturing students’ talents, creativity and scientific thinking, achieving educational and scientific excellence, and shifting from theoretical knowledge to scientific and technological applications.
    This Fair reflects ICESCO’s keenness to support talents and scientific and innovative thinking, and develop students’ creativity and sense of initiative, as part of the Organization’s new vision which aims to achieve excellence and creativity in schools by building capacities and developing future skills that are necessary for an ever-developing world that relies on technology and AI.

    Moreover, this Fair highlights an educational necessity aimed at addressing students’ needs, honing their readiness, building their capacities and skills and helping them actively interact with the learning material. It also aims to develop their talents, achievements and creations, achieve complementarity between theory and practice in school curricula, and consolidate understanding of scientific facts.

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, congratulated the students and teaching staff of the Scientific Junior High School of Agdal for the success of this Fair, expressing the Organization’s keenness to develop cooperation prospects in similar fairs.

    The Fair was opened by Dr. Kombou Boly Barry, Head of ICESCO Education Sector, and Dr. Majid Khannas School Principal of the Scientific Junior High School of Agdal. The Fair was attended by more than 200 students and a large number of parents, in addition to the jury members tasked with assessing the projects and innovations and experts from the Education Sector.

    Following the opening ceremony, the Scientific Commission, which consisted of prominent inventors and professors and experts specializing in scientific research, took stock of the projects and inventions and held its deliberations. The Fair concluded its proceedings with the announcement of winners who received incentive prizes.

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