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    Application Open for ICESCO’s Programme to Promote Entrepreneurship in Technology and Innovation in Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan

    11 June 2022

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) announces the opening of application for its Programme for Training Youth in Technology and Innovation Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, following the success of the previous editions of the Programme in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    This initiative, which aims at promoting the creative economy in the Islamic world, is in line with ICESCO’s vision and action strategy to support more than 150 start-ups in the field of technology and innovation in the Organization’s Member States by 2025. ICESCO is implementing the Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic in partnership with a business incubator “MOST Almaty,” and in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in cooperation with Pakistan innovation Foundation and Katalyst Labs.

    The programme will benefit ten ICESCO Member States by the end of 2022 and will include the organization of a two to three-day training camp and a four to six-week intensive course session, under the supervision of experts, investors and people interested in the field of business and enterprise development. The goal is to support participants in launching their projects in the fields of financial technology, digital media, tourism and food technology, agricultural technology, entertainment and gaming.

    In this regard, a special jury will select the three best teams that submitted projects to compete in the final phase, which will be held at ICESCO’s Headquarters in Rabat so that the winners can present their ideas to several donor institutions and investors, to provide them with the necessary funding.

    To participate in the programme, applicants must fill in and send the application form before 30 June, via the following links

    • In Pakistan: https://katalystlabs.pk/a-hub-acceleration-program
    • In Kyrgyzstan: http://most.com.kz/icesco

    For more information on the Programme, please visit the following link: https://www.icesco-accelerator.org

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