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    ICESCO Takes Part in Opening of 12th Edition of Maqamat Festival in Salé

    7 June 2022

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) together with ICESCO delegation, took part in the opening of the 12th edition of the Maqamat Festival, organized by the Bouregreg Association in Salé, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in the Kingdom of Morocco. The Festival is Salé’s contribution to the celebration of Rabat as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022.

    The opening ceremony witnessed the participation of several officials, representatives of local authorities and key political, cultural and art personalities. The event also paid tribute to many prominent individuals, notably Dr. Abbas Jirari, and the great artist and maestro of Gharnati music, Sheikh Ahmed Pirou, who was awarded ICESCO’s Shield by ICESCO Deputy DG.

    The 12th edition of the Maqamat festival is held between June 6 and June 17, 2022, under the theme, Salé’s Celebration of Rabat” as a tribute from the Association and the City of Salé to Rabat, on the occasion of the celebration of Rabat as the Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022 and Capital of African Culture for 2022.

    The festival features the organization of a number of cultural activities, poetry readings, musical shows and a musical entitled, “Capital of Culture and Lights in Prose and Verse,” which will see the participation of poets, literary figures, artists and musicians.

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