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    ICESCO and Senegal Explore Avenues for Further Cooperation in Cultural Field

    4 June 2022

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Abdoulaye Diop, Minister of Culture and Communication of the Republic of Senegal, and together they explored avenues for enhancing cooperation between the Organization and Senegal in the cultural field.

    During the meeting, which was held on Friday, June 3, 2022, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, the two parties emphasized their keenness to maintain the distinguished relations between ICESCO and Senegal, in light of the Organization’s vision and action strategy, which rests upon greater communication with Member States to identify their needs and priorities and devise programmes and activities accordingly.

    The meeting touched upon the major programmes and activities that were implemented in cooperation between ICESCO and the competent authorities in Senegal. The two parties also discussed mechanisms for enhancing cooperation on heritage preservation, mainly through the inscription of Senegalese sites and cultural elements on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List, as well as youth capacity-building and leadership training for peace and security.

    For his part, the Senegalese Minister hailed the development and modernization that ICESCO has witnessed, and commended the support it provides to Member States in its areas of competence, underscoring Senegal’s keenness to sustain its fruitful cooperation with the Organization.

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