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    ISESCO offers condolences for victims of fire at main railway station in downtown Cairo

    27 February 2019

    Rabat: 27/02/2019

     ISESCO offers condolences for victims of fire at main railway station in downtown Cairo 

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) presented its condolences for victims in the large blaze that erupted today morning in the main railway station in downtown Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt, which killed 25 persons and injured 40 others, according to a statement broadcasted on Egyptian State TV.

    On this occasion, Dr Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, ISESCO Director General, expressed his deep sorrow and sincere condolences to the Egyptian Government and to the victims’ families, beseeching Allah Almighty to shower the martyrs with His mercy, make Paradise their abode, grant patience and solace to the bereaved families and speed recovery to the injured.

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