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    At ICESCO we are proud to have a team of exceptional leaders who are dedicated to driving the success of our organization and making a positive impact in the industry. Our leaders bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, and vision to their roles, and have a proven track record of success.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik

    Director General

    Dr. Abdelillah Benarafa

    Deputy Director General

    Dr. BARRY Koumbo

    Chief of Education Sector

    Prof. Dr. Raheel Qamar

    Chief of Sciences and Technologies Sector

    Mr. Mohammed Zine Alabidine

    Chief of Culture and Communication Sector

    Mrs. Ramata Almamy Mbaye

    Chief of Human and Social Sciences Sector


    Head of partnerships and international cooperation

    Dr. Ahmed Said Bah

    Supervisor of the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences

    Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman

    Director of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity Administration of Goodwill Supervisor of The Office Ambassadors

    Dr. Kais Hammami

    Director of the Center of Strategic Foresight

    Prof. Dr. Majdi Ibrahim

    Chief of the Center of Arabic Language for Non-Arabic Speakers

    Dr. Sally Mabrouk

    Director of the Office of Director General

    Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili

    Director of the Legal Affairs Department

    Dr. Nidal Mohammad Zaidan Abuzuhri

    Director of the Administrative Affairs Department

    Mr. Samy Elkamhawy

    Head of the Information and Institutional Communication Department

    Mr. Adel Bouraoui

    Advisor to Director General in charge of ICESCO Arabic Language Centers and Scientific Chairs

    Mr. Omar Halli

    Advisor to Director General in charge of FUMI

    Mr. Najib Rhiati

    Advisor to Director General for Culture

    Mrs. Loubna Ahmimmou

    Supervisor of Public Relations & Protocol Department

    Mr. Smail Ajbaili

    Director of Translation Center

    Mrs. Jihane Al Assimi

    Supervisor of the Financial Affairs Department

    Mrs. Khadija Sadrati

    Financial Controller

    Mrs. Nezha Ringa

    Supervisor of Printing and Publication Department

    Fortifying Systems,

    Reshaping Minds

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