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      Theme 2: thesis covering topics related to the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques in any field of Remote Sensing and GIS (e.g.  Environment, Urban, Agriculture, Geology, Security, Disaster, Energy... etc.)

      A video-presentation summarizing your thesis, it must adhere to the following technical specifications:

      • - The video should be titled with the candidate’s full name and his university
      • - The resolution must be a minimum of 1080p
      • - The video format must be in MP4
      • - The duration of the video presentation must be between 3 and a maximum of 5 minutes
      • - The video must be filmed in landscape mode, not portrait, to ensure that it can be viewed correctly on different devices
      • - The file size must not exceed 500 MB
      • - The video must be stored in a cloud storage with a permanent link

      An abstract of your thesis not exceeding 1000 words (Your name, the title of your thesis, and the name of your university must be included on a PDF document)