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    After the successful launch of the 1st edition of the program «My thesis in 1000 Words»an international contest that aims to encourage PhD students to hone their communication skills and sharpen their ability to present their doctoral thesis in 1000 words, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), the Sultan Qaboos University – Remote Sensing and GIS Center (SQU-RSGIS) and the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), in collaboration with the ICESCO Chair of Machine learning in Remote Sensing, the IEEE-Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IEEE-GRSS), and the Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science (OmanNatCom) launch:

    The 2nd Edition of “My Thesis in 1000 Words” with a special prize on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Remote Sensing and GIS.

    Selection Criteria:

    1. The thesis covers one of the following themes
      • Theme 1: All disciplines, except the one specified in theme 2 below.
      • Theme 2: The topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Remote Sensing and GIS.
    2. Student enrolled in PhD and who didn’t defend their PhD thesis.
    3. Students who won in the first edition are not eligible to participate.
    4. Students who have completed the writing of their thesis.


    Registration Form for theme 1 : All disciplines, except the one specified in theme 2 Registration Form for theme 2 : Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Remote Sensing and GIS
    Concept Note

    15th September 2024
    Selection Crietria

    Press release