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    On the occasion of celebrating Samarkand as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic World 2025

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) holds the International Scientific Conference “Al-Jami’ al-Musnad As-Sahih by Imam al-Bukhari: The Book of an Umma” A Scientific Embodiment of the Civilization of Authenticity and Documentation.

    Date: 21-23 April 2025

    The conference organizing committee invites you to participate with research papers for publication in a dedicated book that will be issued by the conference on one of the following topics:

    The historical, social and intellectual context in which Imam al-Bukhari and his contributions emerged
    Imam al-Bukhari's methodology in compiling the Prophet’s Sunnah
    The characteristics of Imam al-Bukhari's chains of transmission in his work al-Jami' as-Sahih
    The manifestations of Imam al-Bukhari's ingenuity in the chapter headings of as-Sahih and in his hadiths
    The expression of Imam al-Bukhari's genius in detecting weaknesses in hadiths
    The reasons for the agreement of hadith scholars on the authenticity of hadiths in al-Jami' as-Sahih
    Controversial hadiths in as-Sahih and how scholars resolved their ambiguities
    The status of Imam al-Bukhari's as-Sahih among hadith collections
    The attention paid by Muslims to as-Sahih of Imam al-Bukhari through the ages
    Scientific criticism of al-Jami' as-Sahi
    Ambiguities raised about Sahih al-Bukhari in the context of hadith criticism
    Precious manuscript copies of Sahih al-Bukhari around the world
    Rigorous hadith methodology in the historical documentation of texts
    Manifestations of Sahih al-Bukhari's influence in various civilizational expressions in the Islamic world (as-Sahih reading assemblies, scientific and religious institutions bearing al-Bukhari's name, historical armies, domes in palaces or museum pavilions, etc.)
    The role of Uzbekistan and Transoxiana in the dissemination of the science of hadith
    The impact of family upbringing in shaping al-Bukhari's personality
    The role of the mother in shaping great minds

    Important Dates

    February 12, 2025
    Submit research headlines & abstracts
    March 15, 2025
    Submission of complete research
    March 30, 2025
    Results of accepted research

    Participation Conditions

    – The research must not have been previously presented at a conference or symposium, or published in a scientific journal.

    – The research must demonstrate originality and novelty, while respecting established scientific methodologies.

    – The research must be free of grammatical, spelling, typographical and stylistic errors.

    – Research must be written in Arabic in a Word file, in Traditional Arabic font, size 16 for the body text and size 14 for the margins.

    – The researcher undertakes to respect the conditions of publication established by the scientific committee of the Conference after acceptance of the abstract, and to make the necessary modifications after submission of the research.

    – The Committee reserves the right to reject any abstract or research without justification.

    – Acceptance of a research project does not guarantee participation in the Conference, but it does guarantee publication of the research in the book to be published on the occasion of the Conference.

    – A scientific committee will evaluate the research submitted and select those to be presented at the International Conference. Accepted research will be published in an internationally numbered book, under the supervision of ICESCO.

    – Research should not be less than 10 pages, nor exceed 20 pages.