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    Launch of Second ICESCO Open Education Chair at Mohammed V University in Rabat

    The second “MasterClass,” organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation and Mohammed V University, in Rabat, kicked off on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. The MasterClass, themed “ICESCO Open Education Chair: Towards Equitable Access to Inclusive and Quality Education,” saw the participation of several Moroccan and international experts.

    The three-day event, being held in-person and via videoconferencing, at the Faculty of Sciences of Mohammed V University, is held under the rallying call, “Enhancing Scientific Research through Building the Scientific and Educational Capacities of Ph.D. Student, Young Researchers and Professors.” This event, which is part of ICESCO’s efforts to develop scientific research of its Member States in education, educational resources and practices, open science, copyright, authorship and licensing, as well as open data and personal data protection, will benefit all Moroccan universities over the years 2024-2025.

    During the opening session, Dr. Mohamed Al-Rakraki, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, praised the fruitful cooperation with ICESCO and its contribution to advancing open educational and digital resources.

    For his part, Dr. Khalid Berrada, Acting Director of Higher Education and Pedagogical Development at the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation, Director of ICESCO’s Open Education Chair, commended the leading role of the Chair in supporting the national strategy to accelerate the transformation of higher education, scientific research and innovation system in Morocco.

    Moreover, Dr. Koumbou Boly Barry, Head of ICESCO’s Education Sector, and Mr. Aziz Al-Hajir, Program Manager at the Sector, have also emphasized the importance of ICESCO’s specialized scientific chairs in education and their role in enabling the universities in the Islamic world and beyond, deepening applied educational research, advocating excellence and innovation through the integration of modern technology and open educational resources, and harnessing artificial intelligence, in accordance with international standards and scientific developments.

    ICESCO organizes training workshop in Libya on crisis and natural disaster management

    The Sector of Science and Environment at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) organized a training workshop on crisis and natural disaster management in Derna, Libya. The workshop was organized in cooperation with the Libyan National Commission for Education, Culture and Science and Zallaf Libya.

    The two-day workshop, which concluded its proceedings on Monday, April 22, 2024, discussed and assessed the current policies relevant to crisis and natural disaster management and put forth improvement suggestions. It also aimed to provide the participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to deal with such conditions, explore and provide innovative and effective solutions to manage and mitigate the impact of natural disasters; foster community engagements and raise individuals’ awareness of their roles in preventing and addressing disasters.

    Speaking at the opening session via videoconference, Dr. Adel Smeda, Expert at ICESCO’s Science and Environment Sector, noted that the Organization recognizes the importance of a comprehensive approach in preparing for and recovering from natural disasters and is committed to supporting its Member States’ efforts to build their capacities to mitigate risks and natural disasters.

    The Expert added that investing in education and science to build strong and sustainable societies is one of the key principles in ICESCO’s vision and strategic orientations, a principle which the Organization strives to establish through promoting scientific research and encouraging the use of modern technology to address and recover from environmental risks.

    The training workshop benefited a number of workers in the field of disaster and crisis management, local administrations, the Libyan National Authority for Safety, Ambulance and Emergency, the electricity, communications, water and sanitation sectors, environment offices, women’s associations, agriculture and forestry control departments, and a group of public relations and media workers.

    “Marrakech from the Perspective of Contemporary Arabic Literature”: book published by ICESCO in celebration of the culture capital in the Islamic world for 2024

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) has published the book “Marrakech from the Perspective of Contemporary Arabic Literature,” as part of the celebration of the ochre city as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic world for 2024, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him. The Book includes the scientific articles presented during the symposium organized on March 7 and 8, 2024, by ICESCO and the House of Poetry in Marrakech, in coordination with the Faculty of Arabic Language, which saw the participation of a host of professors, researchers, and poets with critical interventions, poetry readings, and a Malhoun music concert.

    In the book’s preface, Dr. Majdi Bin Haji Ibrahim, Head of the Arabic Language Center for Non-Arabic Speakers at ICESCO, explained that the book is divided into two main parts; the first focusing on the works of the opening session of the Symposium, chaired by Mr. Abdelhaq Mifrani, which included three interventions, the first by Dr. Ahmed Kadem on “The Suburbs of Marrakech in the Novel ‘Blad Bellarg’ by Ahmed Louizi,” The second by Dr. Adil abdellatif on “Marrakech in the Tales of the Past,” The third by Dr. Warda Al-Bartaie, on “Marrakech in Narrative Discourse, the Historical Novel by Ahmed Taoufiq, ‘Abu L-‘Abbas’s Neighbors,’ as an example.”

    The second part of the book is dedicated to the works of the second session of the Symposium, chaired by Dr. Said Aouadi, with three interventions as well. The first is by Dr. Mohammed Zouhair entitled: “Marrakech in Contemporary Arabic Poetry, a Memory of Exchange and a Space of Sharing,” the second by Dr. Abdelkabir Minaoui under the theme: “Marrakech, Source of Writings,” and the third by Mrs. Touria Iqbal titled “Marrakech, Beacon of Radiance.”

    The interventions examined literary and critical approaches regarding the image of Marrakech in contemporary Arabic storytelling and poetry; an image inspired by the rich and diverse material and immaterial heritage of this enchanted city as well as the achievements of its scholars, artists, and creators in various fields of knowledge.

    ICESCO Deputy Director-General participates in ‘Fez Sufi Culture Festival’

    Dr. Abdelilah BenarAfa, Deputy Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), participated in the 16th edition of Fez Festival of Sufi Culture and World Spiritualities, organized in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco, under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, from 20 to 27 April 2024, themed: “Know Yourself”.

    The festival’s program, which features seminars and round tables, includes the participation of many personalities, professors and specialists from several countries, who will address various topics in open discussions. The festival also includes several exhibitions on Arabic calligraphy, photography, poetry and Oud.

    The 16th edition of Fez Sufi Culture Festival witnesses the presence of international figures and a large audience, attending concerts and artistic evenings performed by a number of prominent artists from various African countries, including Mauritania, Senegal and Tanzania, in addition to Asian countries such as Pakistan and India, as well as several European countries.

    ICESCO Deputy Director General honored with Arab World Heritage Book of the Year Award 2024

    The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts paid tribute to Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, Deputy Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), on the occasion of receiving the Arab World Heritage Book of the Year Award 2024 for his book, “Ad-Diwan Al-Kabir”. The ceremony was held as part of the official celebration of Arabic Manuscripts Day, held under the theme “Our Written Heritage and the Elements of Civilizational Communication”, under the patronage of Dr. Mohamed Ould Ammar, ALECSO DG.

    The event brought together a host of high-level guests, notably Mr. Mohamed El Mahdi Ben Said, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, and several diplomats, scholars and cultural figures from the Kingdom of Morocco.

    Held on Friday (April 19, 2024), at the National Library in Rabat, the ceremony honored prominent figures and institutions from the countries of Morocco, Palestine, Egypt and Mauritania, for their research and practical efforts in preserving and casting light on the Arab manuscript heritage. The Institute stressed that Dr. Benarfa’s book was able to conduct a conscious investigation into one of the key works of the heritage of the Great Sheikh, which holds great significance in the intellectual heritage of the Arab world and Muslim Ummah.

    Following the opening ceremony, ICESCO’s Deputy DG took part in a seminar on “The Elements of Civilizational Communication in Arabic Manuscript Heritage,” where he discussed the highlights of his book, “Ad-Diwan Al-Kabir”.

    The seminar was followed by exhibitions on manuscript heritage and the elements of civilizational communication, and the Institute’s scientific publications.

    ICESCO Extends Condolences to the Sultanate of Oman over the Heavy Rainfalls’ Victims

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) expresses its heartfelt condolences to the Sultan, government and people of the Sultanate of Oman on the victims of the heavy rainfalls striking Oman and causing flashfloods and torrential waters.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, extends, on his behalf and that of the entire ICESCO staff, his sincere condolences to the families of the victims, and beseeches the Almighty Allah for a speedy recovery for the injured and safety for the missing.

    Dr. AlMalik reiterates ICESCO’s full solidarity with the Sultanate of Oman during this tragic disaster, which resulted in the death of several students in a school in the Wilayat of Al Mudhaibi, North Al Sharqiyah Governorate.

    New Book Praises ICESCO’s Pilot Experience and its Civilizational Project of Investment in Human Capital

    A book recently published in the Kingdom of Morocco praised the creative, forward-looking vision and new strategic orientations of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and its pilot experience of investment in people from theory to practice through projects, initiatives and programs that place ICESCO at the forefront of international organizations investing in the future and the soft power. The book highlights the Islamic world’s dire need to benefit from the Organization’s expertise at a time great attention is paid to investment in the rich human capital.

    The author, Professor Abdelkader El Idrissi, pointed out in this new book titled: “Investing in People from Theory to Practice… ICESCO as a case study,” that slogans such as (We Invest in People), (We Build the Future), and (We Achieve Sustainable Success), featuring on the walls and the elevator doors caught his eye first when he came back to visit the Organization’s headquarters, in Rabat, after over three years of absence. These expressions drew his attention to the term of investment in people and constituted the starting point for this study, which stands as a witness on the progress made within ICESCO.

    Professor Abdelkader El Idrissi, who has so far authored five books about ICESCO, emphasized that investing in people has impacts on the development of societies, the progress of countries and the prosperity of human life, highlighting that investing in people refers to investing in the future, which is in line with the Organization’s strategies to contribute to the advancement of its Member States. The author lauded the vision of Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, commending the development, renewal and modernization that the Organization has witnessed since he assumed his duties in 2019.

    The author devoted a separate chapter to each of ICESCO’s sectors. The first chapter is titled “Investing in Education,” the second is themed “Investing in Science, Technology and Innovation,” the third focuses on “Investing in the Social and Human Sciences,” and the fourth explores “Investing in Culture and Communication,” to which he added two chapters on “Investing in Youth and Children,” and “Investing in the Future,” respectively. In its introduction, the book presents the linguistic, economic and social significations of the concept of investment both theoretically and practically.

    The book indicates the great importance ICESCOattaches to practical investment in people, by harnessing its high expertise at its areas of expertiseand translating it into innovative, productive, and forward-looking programs, projects, and initiatives aimed at enhancing the human capital to contribute to the development of the Islamic world by addressingchallenges, rebuilding civilization, building the futureand ensuring access to vital areas.

    In conclusion, the author considered that ICESCO’sinvestment in its areas of competence is a duty, a right, a principle, a way of life, a responsibility and a trust, explaining that all fifty-four Member States receive their share of academic benefits and functional impacts of this unique civilizational project managed and implemented by ICESCO.

    In the appendices, Professor El Idrissi added that this civilizational project, which serves comprehensive and sustainable development in the Islamic world, has a prudent engineer with a wise vision, a strong determination, and extensive knowledge in building renaissance and laying the foundations for progress in the fields of education, science, technology, innovation, culture and communication, human and social sciences, youth, and children. He has a profound sense of responsibility and diligent work. He manages a work team, which helps him handle all the workload and carries out the missions that serve ICESCO’s objectives. He is Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of ICESCO, since May 9, 2019, who, along with the Organization’s leadership, brought about a qualitative leap in ICESCO and join to the ranks of successful regional and international organizations.

    The International Exhibition and Museum of Prophet’s Seerah at ICESCO continues to receive visitors after Eid al-Fitr holiday

    The International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, hosted by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat, will reopen to visitors starting Tuesday, April 16, 2024, after Eid al-Fitr holiday, which begins on Saturday, April 6, 2024.

    After this holiday, the visiting hours for the exhibition and museum will be from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Rabat time, every day except Monday.

    We recall that the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization at the ICESCO headquarters enjoys the royal patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him. The official opening was graced by the presence of the Moroccan Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, on November 27, 2022. The exhibition and museum are the fruit of a strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League, and the Mohammedia League of Scholars, and they stand as the first edition of exhibitions on the Prophet’s Seerah outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, headquartered in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah.

    The exhibition and museum at ICESCO headquarters witness a large turnout from various segments of Moroccans and visitors to the kingdom, as the number of visitors has surpassed five million since it opened to the public on 28 November 2022.

    The exhibition and museum are pleased to welcome visitors free of charge. Individual tickets can be booked through the website: http://tickets.ma.salamfairs.com.sa/. For group visits, please contact our customer service representative at: 00212761222222.

    ICESCO Launches a series of working sessions to develop Its strategy to combat trafficking in cultural property

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) launched the first in a series of working sessions to develop its strategy to combat cultural property trafficking in the Islamic world. It involved experts in the field of heritage from 12 countries, with the aim of discussing practical mechanisms for implementing the strategy, supporting cultural policies and legal systems in Member States, and familiarizing participants with relevant international agreements and national legislations.

    The working session, held Thursday 28 March 2024, at ICESCO’s headquarters via videoconference, under the theme “Combatting trafficking in Cultural Property,” culminated in a set of recommendations. These include forming a committee of ICESCO Member States specialized in receiving claims on the recovery of looted cultural property, establishing an observatory to track transactions throughout international auctions, enhancing international cooperation to recover smuggled archaeological artifacts, the necessity for countries to ratify international agreements on the fight against trafficking in cultural property, and ICESCO’s role in coordinating between countries on this matter.

    The opening session saw Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Director of the Department of Legal Affairs and International Standards at ICESCO, affirming that the Organization has prepared an action plan to develop the strategy, which was presented at The Conference of Ministers of Culture in the Islamic World, held in Doha in September 2023. He explained the stages it will go through before its implementation.

    Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of the Culture and Communication Sector at ICESCO, emphasized the importance of implementing national legislations to confront this phenomenon through coordination between the interior, defense, and finance ministries of Member States, digitizing cultural property, conducting accurate inventories of them, and developing mechanisms to preserve them.

    For his part, Dr. Webber Ndoro, Director of the Islamic World Heritage Center, highlighted the burden that the trafficking of cultural properties imposes on countries’ economies and the threat it poses to their civilizational heritage.

    Eng. Mohammed Al-Aidarous, Head of the Islamic World Heritage Committee, emphasized the importance of prioritizing the fight against this dangerous phenomenon due to its escalating nature, threat to cultural assets, and hindrance to developmental efforts.

    The opening session concluded with a speech by Dr. Fadi Abdullah Bala’awi, Director-General of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, in which he reviewed his country’s efforts in combating the illegal trafficking of cultural property.

    ICESCO to Co-organize World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku Next May

    The 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, operating under the theme “Dialogue for Peace and Global Security: Cooperation and Interconnectivity,” is set to convene between May 1st and 3rd, 2024, in Baku, Azerbaijan. This forum will see a high-level presence of officials, international delegations, representatives of international organizations, public figures and prominent intellectuals worldwide.

    This Forum, which is part of the “Baku Process” initiated by His Excellency President Ilham Aliyev in 2008, will be organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in collaboration with prominent international entities such as the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), UNESCO, and the UN Tourism.

    The Forum will discuss several pressing global challenges related to civilizational dialogue and cooperation in its plenary sessions and panel discussions, with the goal of confronting hatred and instilling the values of coexistence and peace.
    Subsequently, the Forum will hold several cultural activities, including concerts, festivals and creative performances, to highlight and celebrate the diversity of cultures and promote a spirit of cooperation and understanding.

    The primary objective of the 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue is to consolidate the role of “Baku Process” as a prominent international platform for promoting intercultural cooperation and dialogue. The annual report of the UN Secretary-General to the UN General Assembly on Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue in 2017 praised “Baku Process” as a pioneering initiative for advocating intercultural dialogue.

    Notably, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution recognizing “Baku Process as a key global platform for promoting intercultural dialogue.

    The previous five editions of the Forum have featured more than 250 activities and attracted nearly 10,000 participants from 180 countries and 30 international organizations.