“Our goal today is to build a new system based on strengthening capacities to preserve and rehabilitate our cultural and civilizational heritage to better contribute the economic and social development of our countries”
Dr. Salim M. AlMalik. Director General, ICESCO.
The Islamic world conceals a rich, dense, eclectic cultural diversity, which makes it remarkable and unique and constitutes instruments of social cohesion, artistic and economic resources. The protection and conservation of the cultural and natural heritage of the Islamic world is one of the main objectives of ICESCO’s action. Its action is reflected in its effort to promote this heritage as well as the maintenance of the values that contribute to the unity of this group which is called the Islamic World.
The centre works on capacity-building at both regional and international levels to address the needs of Member States and for heritage practitioners, institutions, communities and networks. It reinforces capacity building in heritage for ICESCO to prioritise enhancing Member States with the relevant expertise to protect and manage their heritage in a sustainable and integrated approach. The centre thrives to promote and ensure quality management of the Heritage in the Islamic World and internationally
We aim…..
The Heritage Centre programmes and activities thrive to play a part in improve people’s sustainable participation in the management of their heritage. In this context, the Islamic World Heritage wealth provides unique opportunities for enhancement, sustainable growth and opportunities for entrepreneurship. The Centre operates in all the regions represented at ICESCO and ensures that their needs in managing and promoting their heritage are addressed.
Heritage Portal
A heritage portal is a digital platform that provides access to information related to Heritage inscribed in the Islamic world heritage list. This portal aims at the creation of a comprehensive database of Islamic World Heritage sites, and a window into the ICESCO Heritage center’s training courses, workshops, activities, as well as publications and resources.
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