Stressing the importance of the dialogue of civilizations in building peace
Dialogue among civilizations is conducive to mutual understanding, tolerance, peaceful coexistence and international cooperation and security. Since its inception mid-2021, the Center for Civilizational Dialogue has organized several activities aiming to achieve the goals set by the organization.
Despite the global circumstances over the past two years, the Center is working tirelessly to implement its programs and missions in order to promote the major civilizational concepts. In fact, the civilizational Dialogue center aim to promote and facilitate the peaceful resolution of conflicts, reconciliate tensions between cultures, promote and facilitate dialogue, contribute to academic research and enrich the wider debate around peace in the world.
The Center also worked on promoting the network of academic chairs, issued a number of publications, organized forums, signed MoU’s and consolidated its relations with a number of academic centers active in civilizational and humanitarian fields, as shown in this report.
Entrenching the religious and cultural dimensions of the concept of civilizational dialogue
Providing solutions for socio-cultural conflicts in the Islamic world
Understanding the aspirations of Muslim communities around the world
Promoting moderation among young population through international communication programs
Developing practical plan to meet the requirements of millennium plan
Enshrining the civilizational foundations of Islamic identity
Building capacities and developing references and strategies
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Fortifying Systems,
Reshaping Minds
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