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    Exploring developments in cooperation between ICESCO and the US Space Foundation

    18 April 2023

    Dr. Salim Al-Malik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), held a meeting with Mr. Thomas E. Zelibor, Chief Executive Officer of the US Space Foundation, to discuss developments in cooperation between ICESCO and the Foundation in the fields of space science, modern technology and artificial intelligence, on the sidelines of the 38th session of the World Space Symposium, organized by the Space Foundation, Colorado State, USA.

    At the outset of the meeting, which was held on Monday, 17 April 2023, Dr. AlMalik expressed his appreciation for the distinguished cooperation between ICESCO and the Space Foundation, and the implementation of the terms of the agreement signed between the two sides in August 2021. For the record, the MoU focuses on the qualification and capacity building of youth in the field of space science by jointly organizing several seminars and workshops, encouraging innovation, and benefiting from space science applications to serve the goals of sustainable development.

    For his part, Mr. Zelibor reaffirmed the Space Foundation’s pride in the fruitful cooperation with ICESCO, and its importance in opening new horizons for cooperation with a number of space agencies and leading research centers in the field in the countries of the Islamic world.
    The meeting touched upon the results of joint programs and projects between the two sides. It was agreed to strengthen and develop cooperation between ICESCO and the Space Foundation and to maintain coordination to agree on new joint programs and projects.

    At the end of the meeting, the ICESCO Director-General and the Chief Executive Officer of the Space Foundation exchanged souvenirs.

    The meeting was attended by Ms. Kathryn Thornton Former Chairwoman of the Space Foundation, and Ms. Shelli Brunswick, Chief Operating Officer of Space Foundation, and from ICESCO, by Dr. Raheel Qamar, head of the Science and Technology Sector, and Dr. Mohamed Sharif, advisor at the sector.

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