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    ICESCO Wins Grand Prize for Heritage in Morocco

    8 April 2023

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) has won the Grand Prize for Heritage in its first edition, in the category of international organizations, which is awarded by the Association for the Protection and Promotion of Moroccan Heritage, in recognition of ICESCO’s initiatives in the field of preserving and safeguarding the Islamic world heritage, publicizing it and inscribing it on heritage lists.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), received the Prize from Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Moroccan Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, during a ceremony held on the evening of Friday, April 7, 2023, at the archaeological site of Chellah in Rabat, attended by senior officials, public personalities and heritage experts.

    The Grand Prize for Heritage in the category of personalities was won by Mr. André Azoulay, Advisor to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, President of the Three Cultures Foundation and President of the Essaouira-Mogador Association, in recognition of his efforts in creating the House of Memory in Essaouira.

    The award was received on his behalf by Dr. Said Amzazi, former Minister of National Education, Vocational Training and Higher Education and Scientific Research, while the Al Moultaqa Foundation won the award in the category of non-governmental organizations.

    The ceremony witnessed the awarding of a commemorative shield to the Moroccan Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, in recognition of his efforts in the field of cultural heritage protection and safeguarding in the Kingdom of Morocco.

    In his address at the ceremony, Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s key efforts in promoting culture and enhancing the tangible and intangible heritage of the countries of the Islamic world, as well as contributing to its protection and safeguarding through the establishment of a specialized heritage center and the inscription of more than 600 historical sites and cultural heritage elements on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage Lists, stressing that the Organization is working to inscribe 1000 sites and elements by the end of 2025.

    He also pointed out that ICESCO uses modern technology and artificial intelligence applications to overcome the challenges of preserving cultural heritage in the Islamic world.

    ICESCO DG expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, the Association for the Protection and Promotion of Moroccan Heritage and Al Multaqa Foundation, stressing his pride that ICESCO has won the Grand Prize for Heritage in its first edition, given the fact that it came from the Kingdom of Morocco which is one of the countries that exert the highest efforts in celebrating culture and promoting heritage.

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