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    ICESCO holds capacity-building workshop in Guinea on teaching Arabic language

    8 March 2023

    The Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a workshop on developing teaching methods for the benefit of professionals working in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. The Workshop was held in Conakry, the capital of the Republic of Guinea, in cooperation with the Guinean National Commission of ICESCO.

    The workshop’s opening session, held on Monday, March 6, 2023, was attended by Mr. Guillaume Hawing, Minister of Pre-University Education and Literacy of the Republic of Guinea, Mr. Sy Savané, Advisor for Pedagogical Affairs at the Ministry, and Mr. Mohamed Ali Sow, ICESCO National Correspondent.

    The four-day workshop aims to develop participants’ teaching competencies and build their capacities by capitalizing on the latest developments in applied linguistics, educational strategies, and procedural steps in developing and honing language skills.

    The workshop, which is moderated by Dr. Youssef Ismaili, Expert at ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, benefitted a large number of education officials and teachers of the Arabic language in various Guinean educational institutions. The workshop will feature educational training presentations to introduce participants to the various educational strategies for teaching Arabic, highlight learning assessment tools, and cast light on ways to design integrated lesson plans to build teachers’ capacities and educational qualifications.

    This workshop is part of ICESCO’s efforts to address the needs of its Member States, especially African countries speaking other languages, and train Arabic language teachers according to modern linguistic and communicative approaches.

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