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    ICESCO Director General: Quality education and digital justice are key to building healthy communities

    21 February 2023

    Dr. Salim Al-Malik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), affirmed that justice is the basis of stability and all social success, the secret of development and the lever of human progress, noting that social justice is the highest manifestation of the concept of justice. He further added that enhancing the quality of education, achieving digital justice, and ensuring equality in acquiring and handling digitization sciences, is a must for building healthy societies and a brighter future for humanity.

    This was part of the speech Dr. AlMalik delivered today, Tuesday (21 February 2023), at the opening of the 7th International Parliamentary Forum on Social Justice organized by the Council of Councilors in the Kingdom of Morocco, at its headquarters in Rabat, in partnership with the Economic, Social and Environmental Council under the theme “Human Capital: A Fundamental Leverage for Social Justice.” The Forum, which is held under the royal patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him, witnesses a high-level international attendance.

    In his speech, the ICESCO DG stated that the society of justice that we seek must overcome the effects of social injustices that humanity suffers from, including exclusion, deprivation and marginalization, noting that the clearest manifestations of these injustices are the deprivation of education, its completion or quality, of health care, and of adequate job opportunities. Dr. AlMalik argues that the reasons for such injustices lie in economic inequalities triggered off by globalization, technology and demographic transformations across the world.

    He explained that success in establishing justice at the level of educational institutions truly ensures achieving justice in other fields given that education is the cradle of social upbringing, calling for more efforts to eliminate social-based differences in education, and give girls’ education the utmost importance in such a way as to prepare them to contribute actively to social life, plan adequately for the future to meet the needs of matching education to the jobs of tomorrow and the needs of the labor market.

    He also called for enhancing the quality of education, which has become vital for achieving digital justice, given that artificial intelligence applications and transactions digitization are almost necessary for life, a thing that requires spreading digitization sciences in a way that guarantees equality in acquiring and handling them.

    ICESCO DG praised the efforts exerted by the Kingdom of Morocco to achieve social justice, as evidenced by the report on the New Development Model, which was prepared following the instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him, aimed at achieving social justice and building a Morocco of equal opportunities, praising the success of Morocco and several ICESCO Member States in facing the social effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Dr. Al-Malik reaffirmed that ICESCO, within the framework of its new vision and strategic orientations, upholds the values of social justice, especially in the field of education, based on its founding initiative “The Communities We Want,” which establishes a framework for community relations regardless of differences that bear the seeds of social injustice, in a bid to redeem the society of tolerance that characterized the Islamic civilization in its brightest era. He concluded his speech by inviting the participants in the Forum to visit the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, which is currently hosted by ICESCO Headquarters.

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