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    Exploring Cooperation prospects between ICESCO and Minnesota Language Academy in Turkey

    27 October 2021

    ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers held a meeting with the Minnesota Language Academy in Turkey and discussed cooperation prospects between ICESCO and the Academy in implementing several projects and programs in the field of Arabic for non-Arabic speakers.

    During the meeting, held Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, the two parties discussed ways of cooperating in enriching scientific and academic research through writing books on Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, developing its curricula, holding training workshops for the benefit of teachers in the ICESCO Member States and abroad. The parties also discussed organizing international symposia and conferences on the culture of the Arabic language and sponsoring the immersive educational village project for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers in Turkey.

    The meeting brought together Dr. Majdi Haji Ibrahim, Head of ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers; Mr. Adel Bouraoui, Advisor to the Director-General for ICESCO’s External Centers and University Chairs in the Field of Arabic Language; Dr. Youssef Ismaili, an expert at the Center; and Ms. Rajae Al Hakkouni, Program Assistant at the Center. Attendees from the Academy included Dr. Muyassar Ahmed Mekki, President of Minnesota Language Academy in Turkey; Dr. Hassan Abu Assaf, Vice President and Dean of the College of Graduate Studies; Dr. Marwan Waheed Shaaban, Dean of the Holy Quran College; and Dr. Zakai Gul, Director of External Relations at the Academy.

    At the end of the meeting, Dr. Muyassar Ahmed Mekki gave the Academy’s commemorative shield to ICESCO Center for the Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, in appreciation of its role in serving the Arabic language and its students and teachers.

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