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    Next Monday: Launch of Celebration of Doha as Capital of Islamic Culture for 2021

    1 March 2021

    As part of the Programme of the Capital of Islamic Culture of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), the Celebration of Doha as the Arab Region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2021, will kick off next Monday, March 08, 2021, under the theme “Our Culture is Light,” under the high patronage of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar. The Celebration includes over 70 programmes and activities that reflect the heritage of Qatar, which will be implemented throughout 2021.

    Since its launch in 2005, ICESCO’s Programme of the Capital of Islamic Culture aims to celebrate three cities each year in the Islamic world, which have a prominent cultural history. The goal is to highlight their cultural and civilizational heritage, promote cultural and civilizational dialogue, and consolidate the values ​​of coexistence and understanding among peoples. Each city represents one of the three geographical regions of the OIC Member States (Arab region – African region – Asian region).

    The Qatari Ministry of Culture and Sports will hold the celebration, in cooperation with the Qatari National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science, and in partnership with several ministries and authorities in Qatar, including the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Qatar Museums, Katara Cultural Village, and Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development.

    The Celebration’s programmes and activities constitute a platform for promoting creativity in various intellectual, artistic, and cultural fields, highlighting the role of the State of Qatar in the cultural fields as well as its cultural richness and heritage, and encouraging creativity and innovation as cultural values ​​that enrich Islamic civilization.

    ICESCO has chosen Doha as the Arab Region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2021 for its long history and heritage knowing that Doha is the land of dialogue and a crossroads of civilizations.

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